Saturday 26 May 2012

31 Day Blog Challenge - Day 26

Day 26 - An Old Photo of You

This is one of my favourite photos of me.  It was taken when I was about 2 years old and I am the one in the middle in the red dress.  I am with my cousins and it was taken before we moved to the UK.  Just for fun, I thought I would share with you the photo taken back in January with those same cousins (and my sister taking over the front!).

With my cousins at approx. age 2.

With the same cousins (I'm wearing red again!! lol) in Jan 2012

Jackie. x


  1. Lol. I love the two photos together! So crazy to see how different/similar you all look!! :)

    1. Thanks Katie. Btw, it's nice to see you back, I hope we see some more blog challenge posts from you again. :-) x


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