Thursday 31 May 2012

31 Day Blog Challenge - Day 31

Day 31 - Why Do You Blog?

Can you believe this is it! :-(

Why do I blog?

I first started up a blog for my business Craft EE's as it seemed that this is another level of the social networking side of the business.  I must admit, I am a bit rubbish at keeping that blog up to date and really must go over and do a post.  I have been so distracted with this one, that I have rather neglected that one even more than usual!

After I had started that one, I started to notice that some of my facebook friends, mainly from the baby forum that I am in, had blogs.  I started to read BusyBee's blog and then Thirty Mummy.  In reading these blogs I started to wonder if I could do this.  It would be a good way of showing off my baking and crafting and just be a way of documenting what was going on in my life.  At the time I was also dieting and thought that this might be a good way of keeping me on track, ha, yeah right! lol.  I figured that in this format, if people weren't interested, they didn't have to read it, unlike on facebook or twitter where it goes into their newsfeed.

From taking part in this blog challenge I have read some other fantastic blogs and it has also introduced me to other link ups that I am finding interesting.  Weekly photo challenges like the Pretty.Little.Things one is a nice way of me looking through my photos to find the right one for the prompt.  The My Week that Was and Reasons to Be Cheerful are also good weekly ones that get me talking about my week and remembering the good things in my life.

On the whole, I am enjoying writing about my life and what I am up to.  It is a nice outlet for me.

I also just want to take this opportunity to thank Outmumbered for hosting this blog challenge this month.  I think this blog challenge has ALOT to do with my new addiction to blogging!  Thanks Emma! :-)

Jackie. x

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